Moshé Feldenkrais (1904 – 1984) was a physicist and martial artist. He regarded body and mind as an inseparable unit.

The method assumes that movement is the basis of all human development processes. Our inner and outer postures and attitudes are an expression of our being. Every thought, feeling and sensation has a physical equivalent.
Moshe Feldenkrais was a pioneer on the journey through the jungle of the brain. Today, even scientists acknowledge his idea of the interaction of body and mind.
Feldenkrais and Health
Feldenkrais sees the human being as a whole. Pain is often not the cause but the consequence of something else. Feldenkrais has a great potential for healing chronic pain and can provide sustained effect.
Feldenkrais and Sports
Feldenkrais helps to understand and change bad movement patterns. It thus increases our performance and ensures that sports really do stay healthy. This topic also affects musicians.
Feldenkrais and personal development
Feldenkrais is a wonderful way to get in touch with yourself. Feldenkrais expands the self-image. It changes the relationship to oneself and promotes expression and spontaneity.
The Feldenkrais Method works differently for each person. Some get rid of their back pain, others gain openness by transferring the experience of movement work to other areas of life.